The Jezebel Spirit and Narcissism

There is a lot of talk about the Jezebel Spirit, so today I will explain where the name Jezebel comes from and whether it has any connection to Narcissism.

If you are familiar with my blog, you already know that I believe there is a ‘Spirit of Narcissism’ that is responsible for the rise in Narcissists and Narcissism in our society; but is it the same as the Jezebel Spirit?

When I hear Jezebel Spirit, the first thing that comes to mind is a wicked, seductive woman who manipulates people and situations to get what she wants. Apparently, the Jezebel Spirit is not just reserved for women but men as well and narcissists (narcissistic men and women) in particular are now labeled as Jezebels. But, what is the origin of the name ‘Jezebel’?

Well, Jezebel is the name of 2 women in the bible. The first one was the wife of Ahab, king of Israel, and a very wicked woman. Her story begins in 1 Kings Chapter 16 vs 31 through to 2 Kings Chapter 9 vs 37. This Jezebel was a murderer, a liar and a very controlling woman. She was also the one who influenced her husband to carry out many wicked deeds as it says clearly in 1 Kings Chapter 21 vs 25: ‘And Ahab did wickedly, in that he sold himself to do that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, as his wife Jezebel led him astray.’

In 2 Kings Chapter 9 vs 30, it talks about her hearing of Jehu (a mighty warrior) coming to the city where she was and she painted her face etc. and looked out the window, perhaps to seduce him.

The second Jezebel is mentioned in Revelations Chapter 2 vs 20 – 23. Only 1 verse (v.20) really describes her but it tells us a lot. This is what it says: ‘Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.’

Both Jezebels influenced others to do wickedness because they both had positions of control and influence. They were both manipulators and idolators. One killed the prophets of God, the other seduced the prophets/men of God.

The qualities of these two women, who were both called Jezebel are what have been used to create and symbolise the Jezebel Spirit. But, there is actually no mention of a Jezebel Spirit in the Christian Bible. So, anyone who is manipulative, sexually immoral, controlling and evil is said to have a Jezebel Spirit.

The characteristics of these women are very similar to that of a narcissist and many links have been made recently to where narcissists are called Jezebels and even Ahabs, after Jezebel’s husband. But in my opinion, Ahab was more of a Co-dependent than a narcissist as it said clearly it was his wife who was pulling the strings. If anyone displeased him, he did not do anything to them but his wife would go behind his back and take them out. (Read 1 Kings Chapter 21 vs 1 -22).

So, as you can see, the characteristics of these two women are what have been combined to create the Jezebel Spirit and the term is now being applied to people who are narcissistic or who suffer from the Narcissistic Personality Disorder. As a result, Narcissist = Jezebel Spirit.

Did the Jezebel in 1 Kings have the Jezebel Spirit? No, Jezebel was probably narcissistic, so it would be more appropriate to say that the Spirit of Narcissism operated within her. But, many Christian pastors and teachers have made the terms synonymous, and Jezebel is now the mother of all narcissists.

Was Jezebel the first recorded narcissist in the bible? No, I think Cain (the first child of Adam and Eve) was very narcissistic as well. He was competitive and proud. He was also envious and jealous of his brother and that drove him to kill his own brother. Then, when confronted, he was defensive and lied about it. So, maybe the Spirit of Cain would be more appropriate.

Do Narcissists have the Jezebel Spirit? If Jezebel didn’t have the Jezebel Spirit it is not the correct name. Naming things for what they are is very important. And that is probably why Narcissism has gone undetected in churches for so long, because there are many more characteristics to Narcissism, that neither Jezebels are documented as having.

The Jezebel Spirit, much like Narcissism, is a Spirit of Destruction. It’s destroying families, churches and everyday relationships. But, I don’t think the name Jezebel Spirit is a full embodiment of what a Narcissist is, although this is what is being pushed at the moment. But, if it allows people to recognise or relate to what a narcissist is then I won’t hold it against them. The most important thing is that people realise that Narcissism is more than a mental illness and that our fight is not just a physical one but a spiritual one.

Narcissists are evil, manipulative and controlling like the Jezebels mentioned in the bible. Whichever way someone decides to pinpoint Narcissism, it’s totally their choice, but let it be known that it is an evil spirit that needs to be EXPOSED!

Why It’s So Hard To Get Over The Narcissist

For some people moving on from the narcissist has proven to be very difficult. Although they may have taken the necessary steps by going no contact, blocking them on Social Media etc., or even moving cities to avoid the narcissist; the narcissist still haunts them. Despite all their efforts, they find that they still think about the narcissist everyday. Some even desire to make contact or for the narcissist to reach out to them some how.

There is a part of them that hates the narcissist while there is another part that would love to have the narcissist back; or they may just feel stuck, unable to do much with their life and lacking in overall confidence and self-love.

Why The Struggle?

There are a few factors that can leave someone still longing for a narcissist. The first one is that it was an unexpected discard.

The narcissist discarded you and you didn’t see it coming. Although there may have been a few arguements, silent treatments, etc; the break-up was not expected. So, you are still entranced by the narcissist and this sudden harsh treatment has left you in shock even traumatised. And even though you may have put the dots together and realised that this ex-partner was a narcissist you simply can’t let go. You have become anxious, paranoid, angry, bitter, you experience feelings of worthlessness, you may even start suffering from depression. Your confidence and self-esteem has taken a beaten. You are broken.

The next factor comes down to how much was invested into the relationship. The more time, money, emotions and commitments that one has had with the narcissist is the second thing that can make it difficult to move on.

In this case you may have even discarded them but you are now obsessed with the narcissist. You replay past events in your mind over and over again. Maybe even wishing to have done certain things differently. You are angry and bitter all the time, even obsessing on how to get back at the narcissist and hurt them as much as they’ve hurt you. Getting your life back on track is more difficult than you anticipated because you are obsessed with the past, you are obsessed with the narcissist.

Some even begin stalking the narcissist on Social Media to see who they are dating, or what they are up to. What people in this situation need to realise is that even though they are not with the narcissist physically, the narcissist is still there!

Why It’s So Hard To Get Over The Narcissist

Being in an intimate relationship with someone is a physical, mental and spirtitual experience. This is why just removing yourself physically from a narcissist is not enough. You need time to detox you mind and your spirit from the narcissist in order to heal and move on. The narcissist is beyond human. They are the host for a demonic, spiritual entity who got access to your spirit while they were with you. A lot of the negative emotions and thoughts that you experience after leaving the narcissist is a sure sign that the narcissist has infected you and that they’ve left a bit of themselves within you.

These parasitic entities feed off of negativity, so if you can eradicate those negative thoughts and emotions that baby parasite that the narcissist left within you will die and you will no longer long for the narcissist or you will no longer feel the need for revenge; as you will realise that their dysfunctional existance is what will destory them in the end.

A major step to eradicating the narcissist from your life for good is to FORGIVE. Forgive yourself first (because some people do blame themselves for what has transpired with the narcissist) and then forgive the narcissist.

Holding unforgiveness will not help you but will actually hinder your recovery from narcissistic abuse and being able to move on from the narcissist.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean taking back the narcissist or even saying anything to them. It’s about releasing them for the hurt they caused by realising that they are just puppets being controlled by a malevolent force.

If you don’t forgive you remain bitter, angry, anxious and paranoid. You will be stuck in a cycle of highs and lows, your views on life and people will slowly change, hate will grow in your heart and you will slowly become more and more like the monster you once despised.

It’s time to get over the Narcissist! It’s time to stop being obsessed with the Narcissist! It’s time to Heal and fill your life with Love and Light.

Why Narcissists Overthink

Overthinking is a problem in our society today, but as I focus on narcissists this is who I’m referring to in this blog.

Narcissists suffer from a lot of things but one thing ALL narcissists suffer from is overthinking. Their minds are constantly going at over a hundred miles an hour. They struggle with being fully present and living in the moment

They are constantly thinking about: how to maintain their image, how to get attention, how to destroy someone, future plans and whatever their latest hobby or obsession is. They also are obsessed with the idea that everyone is out to get them. This, of course will make them paranoid and fearful but as we know these are the conditions that negative, spiritual energies love.

These spiritual entities or energies keep the narcissist distracted and stops them from looking within. The entity plants thoughts and ideas to make the narcissist (their host) think that the danger is with out, that the danger is everyone and every thing else around them. By doing this the narcissist doesn’t have the time or interest in self reflection or introspection as they are convinced that all is well with them and the danger is who or what there is around them.

To an extent it is true, that we are surrounded by dangerous people and things but the entity makes the narcissist paranoid and delusional and makes them feel that it is a lot worst than it is. So, the narcissist ends up being constantly on the defensive not realisng that the threat is within them. That the evil that they are trying to prevent is their closest companion. Therefore, it is easier for the narcissist to point their finger at everyone but themselves. This is all by design, because many people who are possessed are not even aware of it. If you are not aware, then you will not do anything about it. This is what the entity aims for, to remain hidden, even from their host until they have sufficient control.

This is where the mindless overthinking comes into play. This is how the entity protects itself from being discovered.

The spirit or negative energy does a real number on the narcissist by making them feel worthless and insignificant or that they haven’t done or accomplished enough. So the narcissist is constantly trying to accomplish something which is of course a distraction but the narcissist doesn’t know that and that’s why no matter what they have or do they are never satisfied and it’s because the entity keeps making them feel incomplete.

Video looking at why the narcissist is never satisfied!

When you are possessed the entity has access to your thoughts and feelings which is what makes them so destructive. From there they can manipulate your emotions, your perceptions and beliefs and basically makes you do or behave how they want you to.

The overthinking prevents the narcissist from being mentally present, to observe within themselves and their mind what is truly going on. Their brushes with the entity in their dreams or night visions are usually pushed to the side as soon as they are awake and quickly replaced with the usual thoughts for the day.

In the end, the narcissist continues to go about mindlessly…preocupied with their false image, precocupied with fear, envy, hate, malice and pride. Their minds are so far gone in their thoughts that they spend a lot of time doing odd things like going over their daily to-do list for example, a hundred times even though it hasn’t change and they know exactly what they need to do. Or they will check their bank accounts on the hour every hour or their social media pages constantly even though they haven’t had any updates. They end up acting almost robotic, just going through their daily routines and it’s because they are not present.

The HOLD that the entity has on the mind of the narcissist makes it impossible for a narcissist to be happy, satisfied or at peace. The entity keeps them busy with thoughts of revenge, fear, envy and any other negative thoughts that it can. These negative thoughts makes the entity stronger and they keep the narcissist (the host) distracted from looking within.

The Suffering of Narcissists in Old Age

Narcissists are afraid of getting old. They don’t see it as a blessing but instead as a curse. Perhaps, because it impedes on their ability to wreak havoc and exercise the level of control that they love. But there is a lot more to it than we think. What is going on spiritually? What makes the narcissist so afraid of old age?

As the narcissist ages, their strength and vitality wanes and they also become more irrational and sloppy with their lies and manipulations. Also, many people who have endured with the narcissist for years would have abandoned them due to their toxicity. Narcissists become more hardened and difficult with age, especially the female narcissist. So, it should be no surprise that they end up old and alone.

When a narcissist is young they have their youth, looks and health on their side which aids them to accomplish their wicked ways but as they age they have to find something else to rely on. So as they age, the narcissist becomes very reliant on their accomplishments, achievements, or their seniority and would act as a master in their field or the head of the family and will try to remain relevant for as long as possible.

The narcissist is afraid of not being needed. They are afraid of being abandoned. The narcissist needs people to prop their egos and help them feel better about themselves. Old age for the narcissist brings further insecurities and an overall lack of control that the narcissist dreads but this is only the beginning. What the narcissist doesn’t know is that that dark entity they’ve been feeding for their whole lives has even more sinister things ahead.

(What I am about to reveal happens not only to the aged narcissist, but also when a narcissist is fatally ill and most of all when they are trying to expel the entity)

Spiritual forces at work
A woman struggling with dark spiritual forces.

For those narcissists who are unfortunate enough to make it to old age, this is where the suffering really begins. It’s a suffering on a whole other level, a suffering that they don’t expect. When narcissists are in their full strength they are a valuable host to demonic entities but the demons hate old age even more and are they themselves ready to find a fresh new host, but not until they’ve tormented their host to the grave. Even though the demonic entity has ruined the host on many levels; their relationships, their mind and have made their soul black. There work is not complete until the host is dead.

The entity turns on the host like never before; because the truth is these entities only wanted destruction and the death of the host is what they want more than ever once they are done with them. The narcissist will come face to face with the entity that has been controlling them their whole lives. The entity will taunt and mock the host. The thoughts of worthlessness that they struggled with will no longer be just thoughts but voices all around. They will be more constant and pervasive. The narcissist is forever paranoid but now they may also start seeing goulish faces all around. The spiritual attacks will no longer be limited to dreams or nightvisions. The aged narcissist will be living in a nightmare and will be constantly on edge and that is why some old narcissists are always enraged and lash out easily.

The torment and stress of the spiritual attacks can make the narcissist very ill or insane or both. But, what is certain is that their end, is one of suffering, one of torment and deepest regret. The narcissist will struggle alone because their age old pride will not allow them to confess their torment, for fear of being labeled insane. The narcissist is their own worst enemy and their lives are doomed to end in misery. The successes of their youth or any wealth they may have attained will not give solace at this time.

Why Narcissists Hurt People

This is a topic that has to be addressed on both levels, meaning the spiritual and the physical. There is a lot more at work behind narcissism and the narcissist. Let’s look at both sides to fully understand why narcissists hurt people.

It’s expected that narcissists will hurt, abuse, terrorise, manipulate, lie, gaslight and whatever other evil they can, to the people around them. It’s important for the narcissist to do this, as this is how the entity within them is fed and revitalised. The narcissist is just a pawn, a tool that the entity uses to accomplish this.

The dark, spiritual entity that resides in the narcissist needs to feed but it doesn’t eat what we eat, it needs our negative emotions. In order to get us to react negatively, so it can feed, it gets the narcissist to evoke a reaction. It can be an arguement, the silent treatment, a look, a dismissive word etc. There are so many ways that the narcissist can upset or disturb us. This is why it’s important that we learn to respond and not react to the narcissist. The danger is that they will try even more to provoke you to react that’s why it’s best to avoid these people by limiting contact or going no contact all together.

The narcissist is always hurting even though they try to hide it. They are never satisfied with what they have or what they’ve accomplished. Nothing satisfies or have an endearing impact to keep the narcissist happy. The entity keeps them feaful, paranoid and unfulfilled because that’s how the entity maintains its control. As a result, narcissists are filled with hurt, anger, disgust, fear, envy, jealousy and any other negative emotion you can think of. This is what helps the entity to thrive.

When the narcissist hurts you, they cannot relate or even comprehend your pain. Empathy is non-existent, it has to be for the entity to remain. Some narcissists can feign empathy really well but the truth is; while the entity is in control there can be no real empathy. As a result the narcissist will keep hurting and the entity will keep feeding because your pain is its medicine.

What is not known by many is that sometimes the narcissist is taken over completely and they do and say things that they themselves have no recollection of. When this happens their eyes or facial structure may change as well and it’s a very scary thing to witness. But it’s also very dangerous when the possession is that intense and unless the narcissist was video taped they will not believe and will think you are lying. But, for a narcissist to see something like this would be life changing because therein, will be the proof that they are in need of a serious intervention and that something is terribly wrong.

So, why does the narcissist hurt people? That is what they have been programmed to do. That is what keeps their demons happy.

But how does the narcissist see it? Many narcissists don’t even know or want to acknowledge that they are possessed by a demonic entity. They think their thoughts are their own and their actions are all their own and that they have full control. So, their sick desires of wanting and seeing other people broken and suffering is a desire that is not their own but they think that is. It becomes their own and they see the suffering of others as a win for them. So your pain, your hurt, your disappointments, your misery is what the narcissist wants more than anything else. Have you heard the saying “Misery loves company!”? Well, that’s exactly what is going on here. The entity keeps the narcissist in misery and the narcissist feels better to see others in misery because then, they know they are not alone.

To conclude, we see that the entity is what drives the narcissist to hurt others as it feeds off of negative emotions. The entity feeds off the narcissist and it feeds off the people the narcissist hurts. To the narcissist, (who in many cases is oblivious to the spiritual aspect) life is just a game that they have to win. Them hurting others is just a stepping stone to their goal, of conquering or controlling everyone around them. Also, because of their lack of empathy they will not be able to understand or care about the damage they are causing. All they know is that they hurt so you should hurt too.

Narcissists And Their Nightmares

Narcisssists suffer from paranoia. They are convinced that everyone is out to get them in some form or fashion. This is why there defences are always up and they are always on guard for an attack. The paranoia never subsides because even in their dreams they are haunted by this same notion.

Some narcissists sleep well, others don’t. One thing they do have in common is a consistent nightmare that something or someone is after them. They have dreams of being chased down by demonic gouls or creatures or they dream a relative, friend or acquaintance is trying to hurt or kill them. There is no wonder why, when they are awake, that that fear of someone or something is trying to get them remains.

A man running, as he’s being chased.

If you have lived with a narcissists and shared a bed with one you might be familiar with them crying out in their sleep, waking up suddenly drenched in sweat or feel their body jerking slightly or vigorously while still fast asleep. These are signs that the narcissist is not only having a nightmare but is being tormented by an evil entity.

Some would even have visions of this horrific entity that actually hates them and wants to destroy them. For although the narcissist is a host to this entity, it doesn’t make them exempt them from being attacked. These evil entities hate and despise us. The narcissist is just a tool, a host it can use to carry out it’s evil deeds. Nightmares/nightvisions and spiritual attacks are a few of the ways that the entity manifests itself to it’s host.

Spiritual attacks include being unable to move. For example; the narcissist has awaken from sleep but they cannot move or speak. This can lasts a few seconds or minutes. They can also experience something pinning them down or even sitting on their chest. These are things that ususally accompany people who are spiritually possessed or oppressed and the narcissist is included.

These types of dreams may not be every night but they are often enough to make an impact. Dreams influence our reality especially when they are consistant, we start wondering or searching for the meaning behind that dream.

The narcissists nightmares are linked to their paranoia and the demonic entity that possesses them. I have heard of people who actually started experiencing these spiritual attacks when they started sleeping with someone who they suspect is a narcissist. The attacks only happened when they were around them. Have you had such an experience or do you know a narcissists who has experienced the types of things I have written of today?


A Poem About Leaving A Narcissistic/Toxic Relationship

I wrote this poem to reflect the different emotions and inner turmoil that someone maybe experiencing on the verge of leaving a toxic relationship.

There is first the awakening the something needs to change and that usually involves stepping away. An assessment is made over how their life has changed over the months or years and being unable to recognise themself or the environment that they are now in. The choice is made to leave but that choice is enveloped with fear and uncertainty. But, the unkown is a better choice at this point than going back to the darkness that they’ve just walked away from. It ends with them realising, that they did make the right choice and that there was always hope, light and new path waiting for them.

Here is the poem:

Coming Out Of The Darkness

I must dare to step outside of what has become the norm;

It feels like I must do it or die where I stand; I walk alone.

Beyond the doubts in my mind and the pain in my heart, 

I believe things will get better if I am bold enough to depart.

How did things get this bad? How did I become so weak? 

How could I not see that being with this person was hurting me? 

Something evil lurkes whenever they are around. I maybe going crazy; 

but that evil overwhelms me and desires to break me.

My legs are shaking, I can hardly speak, stepping out of the darkness 

has taken it´s toll on me.  Understanding more of where I had been; 

The darkness was once my home, my sanctuary, what a scary reality! 

Now time to heal and rediscover me once more, I´m on a journery! 

I have left behind those who only wanted to destroy me,   

They who brought Darkenss to my life can no longer hurt me… 

They were monsters pretending to be angels of light 

 but I’ve seen behind the mask and oh what a fright! 

Now I have found light, I have found hope, the healing is slow 

but at least I´m out of the smoke. The chains have been broken, 

I´m no longer in a trance. The spell has been broken. I´m free! 

Coming Out of the Darkness has changed my destiny! 

The Spirit Of Narcissism


We live in a world that is both natural and supernatural. There are things we can see and touch but others we can only sense or feel. The religious or spirtitualists refer to these hidden or unseen forces as spirits, demons, energies, vibes. But, no matter what you call them, they do exist and they roam the earth looking for hosts, for bodies that they can inhabit and influence. Some are positive, some are negative.

My focus will be on the negative spirit of narcissism. Narcissism is rampant in our societies and even though it’s recognised officially as a mental illness, I believe it is so much more than that. Actually, I believe most if not all mental illnesses are actually a sign of demonic possession or oppression.

The spirit of narcissism operates much like any other demonic entity but I will go into detail as to how it operates from inception onward. If you haven’t considered that mental illnesses are more a spiritual phenomenon then you will need an open mind. Let’s get started.


People open up themselves to be possessed in many different ways but one thing, spirits like narcissism love, is fear. This is why when someone, more specifically a child is abused, abandoned or neglected that creates fear. Narcissism begins in child hood for many who are classed as having a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. (Learn more about how someone becomes a narcissist by clicking here). The child is broken not just physically and mentally but spiritually. And fear is a strong, powerful emotion that attracts these menacing spirits.

Spirits like narcissism feed off of negative emotions like fear, anger, hatred, envy but also unforgivenss. It thrives in a host who is continually filled with negative emotions and thoughts. Unforgiveness is something I will be touching on separately as it´s very important to know how unforgivenss can hinder someone when it comes to dealing with negative energies and also their healing. Now back to the spirit of narcissism. Of all the negative emotions, fear, is the number one emotion that allows the Spirit of Narcissism to control their host.


When the spirit first enters it turns off the empathy switch. The host becomes desensitized to other people´s emotions and it´s because the spirit is not empathetic so it´s host cannot be empathetic. The spirit of narcissism will not be able to stake it’s hold and work through an individual if they have empathy. I believe it´s almost inhumane to not be able to have empathy and that´s why I class narcissists as beyond human because even though they have the human form there is more at work within them than what meets the eye.

So, the spirit is within; how does it work? Well, it all happens in the mind. All the thoughts that come to our mind are not our own. Spirits can influence our thoughts from within and without but for the narcissist who has the spirit within it is harder for them to differentiate what thoughts are their own. The spirit of narcissism keeps their host in perpetual fear, convincing them that everyone is against them. This makes the narcissist paranoid but it also makes them more susceptible to operate how the spirit wants them to and as a result, in their minds their actions are always justified. Because when the narcissists thinks everyone is out to get them it keeps them in defense mode. They look to hurt others before others hurt them. They lie, manipulate and gaslight because it´s all about protecting that false self that they believe is under attack.


Most definately! Any evil entity or negative energy is able to depart from anyone. But, they have to accept that there is something that needs to be removed. This is where narcissists stumble and fall because many don´t think anything is wrong with them. They convince themselves that they are perfect and their is too much pride to accept that they are so badly damaged. Many spiritualists and religions have their ways of ridding people of these entities one thing is certain the host needs to order the entity to depart. Of course, it will not go that easily. It will put up a fight by filling the host´s mind with a lot of negative, depressing or even suicidal thoughts. The spirit of narcissism wants to win and will not surrender a host very easily. The desire for it to be gone needs to be strong and the efforts consistent. Also if the host starves it by not waddling in negative thoughts and emotions it will have no choice but to leave. The spirit of narcissism hates honesty, it hates when we forgive, it hates when we admit our wrongs and apologise, it hates everything that is good.

It is a fight and in order to win one needs to fill their home, their mind and life with good people and things. Spirits can cling to inanimate objects as well so if one has anything of the occult in your home it needs to go. Finally, having someone who can keep the narcissist in check is very important. The host will need to be supported to know when they are displaying any narcissistic traits so that they can stop it and choose a better response or action. It needs to be someone they can trust who is willing to support them on this journey of exorcising the spirit of narcissism.

How Are Narcissists Made?

So now you know who or what a narcissist is, your next question maybe: But how do they get this way? How does someone become a narcissist? Well, narcissists are everywhere. They are in the schools, the churches, the work place and every social organisation there is. We also have many people walking around who do not have the Narcissistic Personality Disorder but have narcissistic traits. Narcissism is becoming an everyday thing that many people have to deal with in different areas of their lives.

I believe that there are 3 different ways in which someone can become a narcissist. It’s either the result of child abuse, inherited or learnt. I believe children can be narcissists as well but doctors refuse to diagnose them with NPD until they are young adults which is unfortunate because by then it’s too late to do much with them. The narcissism is no longer a seed but a full grown tree!

Child Abuse Creates Narcissists

It All Begins In Childhood

Not all children who are abused become narcissists but many do! For those that do, narcissism is something that begins in childhood as a coping mechanism to deal with abuse, neglect or abandonment. The child creates an alter ego that they think is better and separate from who they really are. They tell a lot of lies to push aside the reality of what they are actually going through and cover up the wounded child inside. They don’t just lie to others, they lie to themselves. They try to bury the pain and hurt deep inside. As the child grows these behaviours are perfected and embedded into their personality. Who they really are or were is replaced by this alter ego which has become their mask to the world. Children are very susceptible to spiritual attacks as well and the abuse makes them ten times more susceptible. I believe that’s when an entity would enter and start directing their thoughts and that’s why the pattern for these narcissists are always the same. These entities are from the same demonic source.

Narcissism Can Be Inherited

Silhouette of pregnant woman in her bedroom

My second theory is that some people are born narcissists. This is due to the spiritual element of narcissism that I believe in. Narcissism is like a generational curse that can be passed down from one generation to the next. So even if that child had to be put up for adoption to parents who are not narcissists if any of their biological parents were narcissists that child can still end up being a fully blown narcissist.

Generational curses sometimes skip a generation or does not affect every descendent. So if a narcissist has 3 children at least one is guaranteed to be a narcissist. The demonic entities never die and they are always looking for a host and for them it’s easier to stay within a family where they know they have already had success. So, for some people out there I believe they are simply born narcissists.

Narcissism Can Be Learnt

My final theory is that narcissism can be learnt. It’s a learned behaviour for some narcissists. This happens especially with children who have a parent who is a Covert Narcissist. Many of these children did not suffer any physical or verbal abuse but usually that of the insidious nature. Covert Narcissistic mothers tend to teach their children narcissism without even realising and that doesn’t include the simple fact that children look up to their parents, as their first examples as to how they should conduct themselves. So Yes, just like that they pick up their narcissistic behaviours and mannerisms. They learn that outside the home they have to wear a mask. The learn to gas-light, manipulate and lie profusely. They learn to shift blame and never take accountability for when things go wrong. They learn to hold grudges and never forgive. They learn to fake emotions. They become what that narcissistic parent wants them to be. What that child doesn’t know is that they are picking up more than toxic behaviours, they are opening up themselves to a demonic entity who thrives in a narcissistic mind.

Some people are co-dependants meaning they depend heavily on others to validate them. They look to others to decide how they should be as a person. Children who are this way will do whatever is necessary to please that parent; but what if that parent is a narcissist? These types of children are likely to become the golden child who the narcissistic parent dotes about as they are so eager to please them. As a result, the baton of narcissism is usually past to this co-dependent golden child.

This can happen not only to children but a co-dependent adult who is in a relationship with a narcissist. They take on the toxic behaviours of their spouse/partner a lot easier than someone who is not a co-dependent. They can go from just developing a few narcissistic traits to becoming full blown narcissists depending on how long they stay in a relationship with a narcissist. I call these types of narcissists Co-dependent narcissists. They can become narcissists as children or as adults it all comes down to exposure.

Who or What Is A Narcissist ?

For anyone who is new to understanding about narcissism, knowing who or what is a narcissist in the first place is very important. I define a narcissist as someone who has a deluded sense of self-importance and lacks empathy. There are many levels to narcissism that can range from benign to malignant. There are also narcissists who are Overt, meaning they are exhibitionists; they are openly arrogant and boastful. Then there are the Covert Narcissists who are more cunning with their narcissism and use a lot of manipulation, lies and gas-lighting to get their way. Covert Narcissists are hard to pin point as they tend to be well mannered and well presented. Only their partners or close relatives tend to know that they are indeed narcissists and trying to convince someone else that they are, is near impossible.

One thing for sure is that all narcissists have certain qualities or characteristics that define them. The only difference is that the Overt Narcissist is openly toxic to everyone whereas the Covert Narcissists traits are hidden or insidious.

All Narcissists Are:

SELFISH – They put their wants and needs over others. Whenever a narcissist is generous expect that they want something in return.

SELF ABSORBED: They think themselves more special and important than anyone else. They are strangely fascinated with themselves and their capabilities.

DELUSIONAL: The way they view people and life is not in touch with reality. Narcissists see things in black and white, there are no grey areas.

PATHOLOGICAL LIARS: They lie continually to support and maintain their false image and manipulate others.

LACKING IN EMPATHY: They lack emotional intelligence and struggle with inter-personal relationships.

POWER HUNGRY/CONTROL FREAKS: They love to control the people around them as they believe everyone else exists to serve them.

BLAME SHIFTERS: They do not like to take responsibility when things go wrong. The are not willing to take responsibility for their own mistakes.

PARANOID: They think everyone is out to get them or against them in some way. They constantly live in fear of being disrespected or attacked.

ATTENTIONS SEEKERS: They have an excessive need for attention and admiration. These give the narcissist supply and validate their false image.

DEMONICALLY POSSESSED: There is a darker force at work that controls their thoughts and actions.


Narcissists are here to stay by the looks of it, so knowing who they are and what signs to look for is very important. If only it was possible to live separate from these people but it’s not. One things is certain and it is that these people are evil and should not be dismissed as just mentally ill.