When The Scapegoat Becomes The Golden Child

There is a phenomenon that occurs in the Narcissistic household.  And that is where the Scapegoated Child (the one singled out for blame and negative treatment) later becomes the new Golden Child (the Narcissist’s pride and joy). This can happen for a variety of reasons but it usually happens once the children are all grown up.Continue reading “When The Scapegoat Becomes The Golden Child”

When A Narcissist Dreams

Sleep is essential and needed by everyone, but many Narcissists can find sleep very stressful as their dreams can be very disturbing. But before I get into that I want to quickly address the different sleep patterns. Firstly, there are those Narcissists who struggle to fall asleep as they are kept awake worrying, over-thinking, schemingContinue reading “When A Narcissist Dreams”

How Narcissists Fight Your Spirit

When you believe in more than the physical world that you can see, you are more careful with the people you interact with and let into your space. You are more aware of the spiritual connections that can be made. So, when it comes to engaging with Narcissists it is not something to take lightly.Continue reading “How Narcissists Fight Your Spirit”

Where Does The Covert Narcissist’s Shame Come From?

Narcissists have a lot of pent up shame. Under that flashy image and fake smile is someone who feels worthless, ugly, unloveable and ashamed. But where does this shame come from? Enquiring minds want to know. Narcissists are made in different ways. Not all Narcissists had a traumatic childhood of abuse and abandonment. For someContinue reading “Where Does The Covert Narcissist’s Shame Come From?”

What You Need To Know About The Self-Aware Narcissist

The awareness and understanding of Narcissists and Narcissism is more prevalent than ever. So, these terms have become mainstream and are being used more and more every day. As a result, Narcissists are being exposed, which has led to some of them hitting Rock Bottom and seeking change. There are only a few things thatContinue reading “What You Need To Know About The Self-Aware Narcissist”

The Double Life of Narcissists

Today’s post is written by Jenny Tamasi, who is a registered psychologist and author of, The Psychologist & Her Narcissists: A Guide To Surviving Toxic Relationships. How did I not know about the Narcissist’s Double life? Living two, three, four, or more lives is typical for many Narcissists. It truly is amazing how they can compartmentalizeContinue reading “The Double Life of Narcissists”

When The Narcissistic Psychopath Thinks They Are Just A Narcissist

This is something that I needed to address as I get a few Narcissistic Psychopaths in the Comments section of my YouTube videos, leaving comments like these: You can pick up on their pride and superiority complex, which Narcissists have as well. But the Narcissistic Psychopath who thinks they are just Narcissists do not realiseContinue reading “When The Narcissistic Psychopath Thinks They Are Just A Narcissist”

Narcissists and Envy

Envy is usually described as a feeling of discontent, which arises as a result of wanting or desiring something that belongs to someone else. Envy can be a fleeting emotion that arises and quickly dissipates. But Envy or being envious can also become a state of being. Where it becomes a natural disposition or characterContinue reading “Narcissists and Envy”

How Narcissists View Relationships

Having relationships are a vital part of the human experience. Relationships can be diverse and complicated, but one thing that is certain is that relationships with Narcissists are toxic and dangerous. Narcissists love having relationships because they need people. They need people to shower them with love and affection. But, they also need people toContinue reading “How Narcissists View Relationships”