Do Narcissists Have a Mental Illness?

The concept of being mentally ill has a long rich history. Over the centuries it has been explained as either a supernatural, biological or psychological occurrence. According to modern science there is no cure for mental disorders but there are treatments that can be done to manage these disorders. This is the case because, a mental illness or mental disorders are defined as a chronic disorder of the brain that affects the person for life. 

There are many different types of mental illnesses and I believe all should be treated differently. Look at this breakdown I found online for the definition, symptoms, causes and treatment for mental illness: 

Mental illness 

A disorder that can cause psychological and behavioral disturbances with varying severities. 

Symptoms : Symptoms include confusion, depression, social withdrawal, extreme feelings of pleasure, anger, excitement, fear or grief. 

Causes : Causes include long term substance abuse, prenatal damage to brain, injury to brain, exposure to toxins, infection, etc. 

Treatment : Treatments include combinations of medication, psychotherapy, peer support and sometimes, hospitalization in severe cases. 

The causes given for a mental illness would not fit many Narcissists and many other so-called mental illnesses.  So then how should they be classified? Physical damage to the brain is not what created Narcissists. Therefore, a psychological approach is not enough for Narcissists. But modern science makes no place for the supernatural or spiritual aspect. 

Narcissism is currently out of control. A lot of it is very superficial as it is rooted in social media, but that seed of vanity and selfishness can and will grow if left unchecked. People are literally being programmed and groomed into being Narcissistic. Our society needs a complete overhaul. 

Narcissism is a spiritual and mental problem. But not because of physical brain damage but rather what is being consumed. Narcissism is being taught and shown on media platforms almost as an ideal. People are being programmed to accept certain behaviours and ways of life that are long-term detrimental to their own well fare. They are being fed lies and their minds are being filled with useless, temporal, immoral junk. This is the basis for shallow individuals who then enter relationships and make a complete mess. A breeding ground for Narcissists has been created and modern science is only prepared to treat individuals who fall victim to this madness with pharmaceuticals and other processes that in reality do nothing but exacerbate their mental woes. 

When it comes to Narcissists, we cannot change them. It is a decision that only they can make. And they are only prepared to even consider such an idea when they are between are rock and a hard place. And the work and effort that is required on their part is what makes it near impossible for there to be any permanent change.  

So, do Narcissists have a mental illness? Well, not in the way that it is currently defined. And there will never be a cure if the spiritual aspect is continually ignored. 

Please check out my video and share your thoughts on today’s post in the comment section.


Published by clariceonnarcissism

I am a YouTuber and a Blogger. My topic of speciality is Narcissism. I was raised by a Narcissist, then went onto to marrying a Narcissist. I aim to expose Narcissists and bring awareness of their dark ways and how they operate. My other aim is to help Narcissist Abuse Survivors to OVERCOME their abuse by understanding Narcissists and what happened in their relationships with these devils.

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